Saturday, November 11, 2017

Voting/Veterans Day

Dear family and friends,

We were still able to vote from across the sea. (Love the internet.) Hopefully you took full responsiblity to value the privilege to vote and to relish being a citizen of the grand USA.  Even though we as American are held in distaste by many, millions seem to take all kinds of illegal chances or work for many years to gain entrance.

Let's never forget to honor the thousands of veterans who served with honor to keep our country free.  These two items add to why I love the month of November.

We have been visiting many of the public school to choose which one needs the furniture that we have had shipped to the MI from a charity in New Zealand.  They donate the good second hand school furniture and LDS Charities pays for the shipping.  We had to get many official stamps from many different government departments to have the fees and taxes waivered.  Worth every hour.

Have to share the bell system at the local schools again.  All that is needed is a hammer and sound resonates across the entire area.

Propane Tank/Bell and
only pure drinking water in the cooler on
the bench for the entire school.
Be sure to bring you own cup or share the
one red available red plastic cup.
We also got to observe the students planting new seeds and seedlings donated by Canvasback Missions.  We are going to partnership with them to build fences around the gardens at the schools that don't already have protestion from animals and people.
Upper graders learning planting skills
from their teacher.

Love this man.

On our return trip, Elder Preston spotted another mileage marker from decades ago, so pictures were needed. He loves documenting historical monuments/markers.

There were so many incredible thoughts and powerful insightful messages of strength and courage to have a better life shared in conference.  Here are a few that hit me today.  Who knows which ones will be at the forefront tomorrow:

"Whenever change in life's circumstance may come our way, and whatever unexpected path we may have to travel, how we respond is a choice." pg. 96

 "Hard makes us stronger, humbles us, and gives us a chance to prove ourselves."  pg. 112

"God does notice us, and he watches over us.  But it isusually through another person that he meets our needs."  May we each recognize the privilege and blessing it is to participate. . . pg. 27

May you have a good week and find the happy side of life.

We love you,
Elder and Sister Preston

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