Sunday, May 21, 2017

May News

Highlights of the week:

Sam Williams, who is based in New Zealand and is the agricultural specialist for all the Pacific Islands arrived Thursday morning and is with us until Monday evening. 
Sam Williams
from NZ
Agriculture Pacific

He is not only large in stature, but in knowledge, patience, kindness, and ability to work with all types of people from all areas.  We have thoroughly appreciated his expertise and the opportunity to do some hands-on gardening.

We took him to the projects that we have started and he shared his quiet recommendations that have rejuvenated us and are a great support to those who are trying to be successful in getting people to be self-reliant.

We visited Allison, from Taiwan Farms:

Allison, Sam, Elder Preston
Vision for Taiwan Farms

Local Laura farmers selling their goods
under the support of Taiwan Farms
We met with our Stake President, President Zedhkeia and made arrangements to replant his key hole garden.  Little did we know that he didn't already have a functioning key hole garden, but he had a long narrow garden (2x10 ft) that had become a patch of fast growing weeds.

Sam bought the necessary items, plus we used natural substances from the President's land to build a small key hole garden, which did not need the key indention.

 In July we will return a third time to build a second larger key hole garden. The president is planning to have people from the stake and community in attendance to be trained as we plant the second one, in hopes that they will have a desire to do the same. We will need to wait until July, when most of our office duties will have ended.

Here is the picture story of our Key Hole Gardening:
2. Coconut husk wall & bark layer.

1. Making a foundation of coral rock.

It only took a couple of hours to assemble.   It will produce enough food every three weeks for six people. 

3.  Wire netting for compost
4.  More brown & green leaves

Because the nutrients are so enhanced due to the central compost setting, this will be wonderful way to model an easy process for members and neighbors to build their own small planter.

5.  Chicken Manure & top soil

 In three weeks we will return with seedlings for President Zedekiah's plot.
6.  Actually had a hose and water.  This is rare.

8.  Final product for three weeks.
Hope the dogs, pigs, and chickens stay away.
7.  The working crew.

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