Saturday, April 1, 2017

April has arrived!

This has been a very busy week, but no real new items appeared on our calendar.  We have been asked by the mission president to learn all of the Mission Office jobs, since the Office Couple will be going home in three weeks.  The learning curve is very extensive.  Mine is big.  Elder Preston's is gigantic.  Balancing this with our Humanitarian calling is an enormous challenge on some days.  Hopefully another office couple will arrive in June.  Until then, we need all of your prayers and good thoughts.

We had our fourth health screening with exercise class, cooking lesson with the community members preparing & eating their food 
Enjoying their stir-fry.
Ajeltake Community Members.
 while being coached by one of our CLP team and then the health lesson given by Dr. Jeff from Taiwan.  We have spent four Fridays with the community members in Ajeltake for about 3-4 hours each time.  Since this was the last time, the community under the direction of the councilman shared coconuts, bananas, and Bobs with us.  Just look at the display.  It was shared with our team, which includes:  members from the Canvasback Mission (7th Day Adventist) run by Tanner Smith of the Wellness Center; MoH (which is the local hospital), CMI (Local college), Taiwan Health Services (Nicky, RN), and of course us - LDS Charities. 

Majuro Police Officers bringing in fruit to share with us.
Elder Preston and Tanner back left side.
Ajeltake Community Members

Great coconuts, Bob, and bananas

We enjoyed working at the Farmer's Market again this Saturday. At the end, Allison, who is the administrator over the Taiwanese Technical Farms in Laura showed us how to prepare and eat a Bob.  Good day at the market.  Many people attended and purchased local food from the Laura Farms and tried the nutritional foods prepared by us and the Technical Farm.

Dr. Jeff and Data Expert from Taiwan

Yours truly - enjoying the fruit.

Allison, Taiwan Farms Administrator
Taiwan Ambassador's wife
Nicky, Taiwan RN, & amazing person

A cute couple from Tonga, who lives in the Marshall Islands and are members of one of our wards had their second baby girl blessed today.  So great to see them.

Our ward YM President & wife from Tonga
Baby was blessed today.
 Our Uliga Ward  had some changes in RS and Primary today.  They released the RS President, who has served 13 years and the Primary President, who has served 21 years and sustained a new presidency for both organizations.  Wow!  I can't believe that they were in the same calling for so long.

We are sad to see six of our finest young elders being transferred to Kiribati, which is in our mission, but is in another country. They will have to learn another language.  I really hate to see them go, but the decision certainly wasn't mine to make.  As is often said by one of our senior missionaries, "It is not my donkey."

Hope your week is wonderful!!!
Love always!!!!!

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